Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Christmas Vacation
I like this just being together stuff.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Pain in the neck

Well it turns out that the trouble I was having wasn't really the trouble I was having. After walking for about 45 minutes my fingers and toes go numb. My doc sent me to see Dr. Pathak so that I could have my neurology checked. the doctor says the reason my numbness happens is because the C6, C7, and C8 nerves are getting irritated. And can you believe it, this all has to do with obesity and losing weight? So he is writing a not to Dr. Amson and we will see what happens. Likely nothing.
But I am not that discouraged because I am expecting very little too.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Christmas is a'coming
On Tuesday I went to watch and listen to Marla sing with her choir. It was a nice night. I was looking at the course in miracles. this time we are on lesson 32 -
Friday, December 10, 2010
a relatively rough friday
We did some shopping at Wal-Mart and then went out to get Precious from the vet. Poor puppy she was entirely zonk. I am sure she was listening to head music - Precious is into deep purple :) - she was very stoned. She slept all through the evening. we were supposed to go to the symphony but we decided to stay home and look after the sleepy puppy.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Another week almost done
I was thinking about Rory, it has been a year since we lost him. He was such a sweetie of a beardie. I really do miss him.
I am feeling really good. I am getting a little exercise each day, not enough but doing something.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
A busy Saturday
We came home in time for me to get ready to go to work. The Salmon Kings were playing Stockton again. For the 10th game they lost. Major suckage but it was a good game.
Friday, December 3, 2010
A month zoomed by
the Ultrasound got cancelled so I was mentioning it to Steve. Steve suggested that it could be a hernia. So I looked up the symptoms and found Hiatus Hernia and it matched my symptoms. Because the symptoms involved the stomach I called Ailsa at Dr. A's. She said "Blake, move away from the computer and stop reading medical thing on the internet". She was right because there are so many other things it can be.
In the meantime, I am left with a sore side and sharp occasional pains. I told Gillian and she said keep an eye on it. So here I am keeping an eye on it all.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Time Flies like an Arrow - Fruit Flies like a banana
Wednesday was a good day. The Salmon Kings played Idaho and won. It was a good game but not all that exciting. I liked watching some of the new guys play.
Thursday was the first meeting of the second group of My Large Friends Fitness. This time we had 11 people, up from the previous 8. I think it will be a good bunch. There is me and Marla, Chris, and Christopher and Marie, Gord from the Saturday WLS group, Pat, Mike from work, a new girl, and I was very happy.
Marla and I had a great lunch today. Marla had an operation to reduce her eye pressure so that was easily done. then we went to Little Thai on Cook Street. Yum.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Boo It's Halloween - Scary Huh
Sunday m
I like this time of year, the big down part of this weekend was watching the Saskatchewan Roughriders loose for the fourth week in a row. This sucks, or at least to say their playing sucks.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
What a week

Well I started out this week on a major bummer. It turns out that the tiny opportunity, the little possibility of having my surgery, disappeared and it is back to the long wait for my WLS surgery. If anything I am practicing patience as a virtue. Somewhere and sometime I know this thing is going to happen it is just going to take longer. So as a result of me not being all that happy I have let my diet slip. Not too much, just the occasional treat or two. the bad part is that often when I treat myself it is usually something bad for me. And my body tells me about it. ick.

Tuesday I got to see Boots. He is a good doc and says that I am doing okay. Dispite my Ha1C has crept up to 7.5 That sucks a bit, but otherwise it is okay. Wednesday though was the best time this week because the Salmon Kings are back playing at home again. It was good to be on the Follow Spot again. I was back in my first spot and it was good for shooting across the ice. I feel a bit guilty because I picked out a friend a little too often but she was in the perfect spot for me to home on her and her hubby.
Thursday was a fun day. I got to shoot a video of a comedy show that will end up being a nice project. My chest is still very sore. I think it is something about muscle tenderness at my breast bone. T3 helps a lot with managing what is going on but it still hurts when I can't breath. Marla and I went in to get her leg shots today. They really hurt her and so I thought it was best if she and I stayed home and rested instead of exercising. I feel so crappy when I move around a lot I appreciated the break. Marla was game to go to the gym but she is pretty game to do anything with me as long as we hang out together. I like that.
Here is my best Blake story in a while:
This all started when I forgot to eat this morning. I was in a major rush today and for the last while just haven't been hungry. After a busy day at work I had to take my wife in for her shots. Every three or four months Marla has to get 16 to 20 needles in her legs. To help with the needles, we rub emla cream on them about half an hour before her session. The cream numbs the nerves and skin on her legs and makes getting all the needles a little easier. Well I was late so we quickly rubbed down her legs and took off to the doctor. When we got to the doctor's office, the receptionist had put out a pail of those dreaded chocolates for Halloween. Well my hungry gave in and I decided to have one.
The problem was that when we raced out of the house I forgot to wash my hands. So as soon as I unwrapped the bar some of the cream went onto it. I noticed it tasted not like I remembered chocolate. I haven't had any in ages. But then within a few minutes my mouth felt wierd. In fact it felt like I was at the dentist and he had froze half my face. I was so embarassed because my lips, cheeks, and tongue were numb. My wife, however, thought it was a total hoot.
So my lesson was stay away from the chocolate…. and wash my hands.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
catching up

Really good pork and noodles.
The Nylons was a good show but it was like watching Beatlemania. With only one of the original Nylons, they guys I knew back in the 80's, it was like watching an incr
On Saturday Morning Chris and went for our usual walk except we seem to be doing it faster. I swear if I want to cut my time below 45 min then I have to start running.
Precious really enjoys the romp, even though we didn't see many other dogs or walkers.
After watching the Roughriders lose to Edmonton, Calvert is going to give me grief for that, Marla went to sing with the choir at the Salvation Army 150th Band anniversary. It was a good little concert. It was a pretty good day. That's Marla waaaay on the right.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Big, sweaty and smelly
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Back at work
Chris and I did the golf course walk, he rushed us around the course in under 50 minutes. After I picked Marla up from singing and we came home. it was a pretty good day.
Monday, October 18, 2010
One more step closer
By the time I got home the day was shot so I stayed home with Marla and hung out for the afternoon. It was a very nice afternoon.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Dealing with changes
The visit was interesting because dr. A was his usual self about not saying much. He tried to talk about loosing weight with exercise alone. That is not quite working for me. then he went on to talk about moving forward with the operation. there maybe an outside could be possible but don't get your hopes up about getting a cancellation spot in December. I don't think it is possible because I only know of one ever cancellation. But it is nice to dream.
I told his MOA that I am available on very short notice. She smiled and said she knew. then a few minutes later I got a call from her saying that I should be going to see an anesthesiologist so I can have
Today I got a call from the urgent surgical office at the VHG to come in on monday and meet the doctor's gas passer. I met him once before but at that time I was unconscious and had stopped breathing. The fact that I stopped breathing while I had my gall bladder surgery kind of freaked marla. I hope this doctor doesn't hold this bit of information against me.
Marla and I went out to the Japanese Village today for lunch. I was very hungry and ate far too much. It wasn't bad food for me, except for the rice. It was just the volume was too much. I like the Japanese Village. It has many fond memories for me and Marla.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Just a nice day
So this was my first real vacation day of my Thanksgiving Vacation. I started off by going down to the Pearkes Arena and squaring away My Large Friends for next year. We are going to expand the sessions to 10 weeks and that should help the promotions too. Also a name change is in order since My Large Friends doesn't really describe what the group does so now it will be My Large Friends Fitness. I dropped a birthday card off for a friend and got a real nice reception in her office.
Marla and I went down for lunch at J&J Wonton, it is one of our favourite places and now they know us a regulars. We don't even have to tell them what we want, they just smile and say "the usual". Our usual is TanTan and Sesame Chicken. Its treat food.
Chris and I walked the Cedar Hill Golf Course in the dark - 50min - and then it was off to get Marla from singing. All in all a pretty good day.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Canadian Thanksgiving

Normally this would have been one of those days on the annual "Gee I am glad that mom didn't come on this trip trip". But instead we stayed home and had a Canadian Thanksgiving. It was the typical holiday where we watched a couple of football games, mowed the lawn and had a wonderful Thanksgiving supper with friends. Dick and Leslie are really nice people and Linda is a good friend. It was nice to be together. It is also nice just to hang out with Marla and as usual I was happy to go home.
It was a good food day. Especially not going nuts at the supper. I limited myself to one serving of all that was there and it was quite enjoyable.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
A long day and a long walk

I was up this morning at 5:30am to get ready to go down to the Goodlife Marathon 8K. I got down at about 6:30 which was enough time to stretch, check my stuff, and get ready for the 7:15am start. I even dressed well for the race - a long sleeve t-shirt, my racing shirt, shorts, and a pair of sweatpants. I was comfortable through the entire race. I was glad I didn't wear my raincoat. So I was already to start and I turned about to find Silken Lauman the Olympic rower standing beside me. then I saw from folks from Camosun. Finally I turned on my ipod and the playlist I made just for the race. It was 90 minutes long, my goal for race today.
The race started out good enough, I ran the first couple hundred of meters and then got into my walking pace. My ankles ankles and feet were very sore. Marla was right; I should have got the new shoes. After about two kms my feet got to feeling fine and all was good. It was a little cold between 4 and 5 km because the wind came up from the ocean. It was interesting to see all the WLS'ers on the race course. Good on 'em all.
I finished the race in under 88 minutes. faster than I had estimated. It was a very good walk, sometimes I even broke into a lumber. I can't image what it would be like to do this 150 pounds lighter. I would sure like to try it though.
The rest of the day was sleepy and sore. I came home, had a hot tub, and Marla and I went out for brunch. Then when we came home I had planned to mow the lawn but frankly I was so sleepy I had a nap for two hours. I don't usually nap or sleep during the day but this was a day of getting up far too early and doing much more exercise than I am used to. I am really glad that I practiced my walks by doing the 5k walks that we do two or three times per week.
Strange day for eating, Marla and I were in Walmart and looked at the Halloween treats. Strangly enough, I didn't want any. We bought a bag of Tootsie roll minis and I only tried a few of those, in the old days I would have eaten the whole bag. this is a good sign.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
a wet lazy day

I went out this morning and jumped into the hot tub. Summer is still trying to hang on at least it did until the clouds came in and the rain started to fall. It was a full day of rain but it was kind of nice since Marla and I just stayed home and watched the Roughriders lose to Toronto. I am not sure why they lost, aside from two interceptions.
For some reason I have no appetite at all. I tried to have a salad for supper but that didn't work at all. Tomorro

So the clothes are all put out. Dry clothes are in the plastic bag. Music is on the walkman, and I am ready to get up in the early am. Here I go.
Friday, October 8, 2010
TGIF -flexday

Today was a flex day - I didn't have to work - but I did have to go to school. It was another class for the TTW program. I enjoy the class and it is quite interesting. After the class Marla and I went out for lunch at the Macaroni Grill. It was the usual but it was actually a little hard to eat. It gave me a bit of a stomach ache.
Then we went and updated the insurance on the car, the problem was that we already had insured the truck, but we thought it was the car that needed insurance until we gave the paperwork for the truck to the agent. We totally confused ourselves.
After that we went down to pick up my runner's package for the Goodlife Victoria Marathon. I am doing the 8k. So we went down to the get the runners package but at 4:30 there was a line up about half a block long to get into the place. We came home relaxed and went back at 7pm and just walked right in. Back home to watch Burn Notice and a nice night at home.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
The Aboriginal Pit Cook
Saturday Morning Christopher and I had a good but early walk. Then I went for a small group meeting. Marla and I watched the Riders beat Toronto then we went into the backyard and cut branches and trees and basically cleaned up the yard.
My food was pretty good today with lots of exercise.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
My office is whereever I am.
The surprize of the day was that after yesterday's Dr. Gillian app't I complained that I hadn't got my skin dr. appointment. Low and behold, Louise called today with an appointment for next monday. Cool.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Monday morning new stuff
I was happy to weigh myself this morning and according to the wii I am down to 307. At least I am going in the right direction. Not much to write but basically a happy camper. There is one thing that is ticking me off a little. I have this chest pain dead center of my chest and extending up through my throat. I feel like I am choking myself. I am sure it has something to do with my wieght but it sure is an annoyance.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
wonderful weekends
I came home and mowed the lawn on such a beautiful day. It was so nice and I was in such good spirits that I also mowed our neighbours boulevard. The little old east Indian lady who I always wave out gave me a Sunny Delight as a thanks. It was cute because I don't speak Pakistani and she doesn't speak English.
Then I went in and watched the Roughriders Play against Hamilton. The Riders one in the last second so it was a good game. I think the CFL should be in the East. In the afternoon Marla and I went to see The Tresspasser by Morris Pynach at the Belfry. It was a pretty good play.
Sunday night Dexter returned . I like Dexter even if he is a little creepy.
I had a great weekend. Eating was excellent.
Friday, September 24, 2010
an academic day
It wasn't a bad food day either. I skipped breakfast because I knew I would be having muffins at the SLE. then Corrine brought bagels and cream cheese for the TTW course and after the awards ceremony we had dainty hors' deurves. And for supper I made pork chops, mashed potatoes and corn.
Not much exercise but otherwise a good day.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
things are looking up
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Something is not right here
Why is growth stressful
On the otherhand, I keep thinking about the possibilities of my wls surgery. It is, I think, an outside possibility. It is good that it is a possible but there still is a thought that it may be years away instead of months. I am looking forward to the time it is weeks or days away.
It will be nice to just to get this stuff behind me.
It is actually getting to me physically. I need to talk to my doctor about these recurring chest pains and the feeling that my throat is choking me.
This isn't a fun post today. I hope I feel better sooner than later, but I am tired of feeling and being big.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Monday Monday
Tonight is a night where Marla and I can just have fun together. It is the start of the fall 2010 tv season so we tivo-ed and watched Mike and Molly ****, Hawaii 5-0 ***1/2, and Dancing With the Stars **1/2.
Supper was a total treat and departure from the diet. Actually I had much less than I would have had a year ago. Tonight in the spirit of folkfest I made pyrogies with great onions, sour cream, and real bacon bits. Yum.
tomorrow - Salad.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Checking in or back - basically its been a while
Still I am not getting any smaller.
I got my last test before my RNY from Dr. Amson in September. It was one of those times when I came in at 9am for my appointment at the VGH only to wait for 2.5 hours. Then Dr. A comes out and says I have a choice. I can wait a few more weeks and have the test done again or he could do the test without anesthetic, just a spray to numb the back of my throat. I chose the latter because there was no way I was waiting.
Dr. A says not to worry. It would be just a thin piece like spaghetti that he would insert down my throat to look at my stomach. Tell a foodie about spaghetti to go down the throat and the thought of thin vermicelli comes to mind. Angel hair pasta would be nice. Nope, this was thick linguine and worst of all it wasn't a sloppy wet noodle but a hard dry stick. It was groady and awful to go in, but once it turned and went down my throat, I got the most interesting view of my stomach, from the inside. Soon it was all over and I was ready to go home. As Dr. A pointed out it was a good way to do the check because I was not impaired.
My next step was to wait for my October appointment. But then I got a call from Dr. A's MOA who moved my appointment ahead one week.
So things are still moving forward, albeit very slowly. Still I am optimistic.
Monday, February 8, 2010
The Reason why I decided for WLS
Diets didn't work - No way a diet would help. I would try and after a few months it was just impossible due to motivation, time, and lifestyle. And in its own way - one would be recommended by a health professional, and another would disagree with it.
Diets I have tried out - Low carb, high carb, Atkins, SouthBeach, WeightWatchers.
Exercise wasn't working - I swam five times a week for an hour each day for five years. Nothing happened. But then who ever heard of a thin seal?
I practiced Aikido for four years. Almost constantly. It is one of those things in my life that I really miss doing and it is all because of my size.
My pants stopped fitting. This one I could live with. my girth isn't in my waist, but in my tummy and that hangs over the belt. Very attractive
My shirts stopped fitting. This was alot worse. How could I have an 18 1/2 inch neck and still pop the buttons on my tummy.
My shirts stopped fitting part II. The distance between my shirt bottom and pants top separated. A flash on a sweet little thing looks great; on a 50 year old pregnant looking guy is just not pretty.
I stopped fitting in roller coaster rides in Disneyland. That sucked big time.
I stopped fitting into booths in restaurants. Not that I didn't fit, it was just a very tight squeeze.
Visiting the hospital is alot scary when its family
One very odd thing about this event was it demonstrated our love for each other. In the for better or worse part, this could be the worse. And still she is my life and love.
Getting used to blogging
Yesterday was a scary day because M had to go to the hospital. We were worried that she was having a stroke. Which scares the hell out of both of us. Fortunately she is well. Thanks to the powers that oversee us.
Today is my last monday off before returning to work next week. I just want to savour each day. I really like my work but I have also enjoyed this recovery period.
Monday, January 25, 2010
A little background
In March of 2009 I had my first appointment with a bariatric surgeon, Dr. Amson in Victoria, and was told it will take about a year for things to start happening. Things happened a little sooner because I developed Gallstones and Dr. Amson had to remove them. He plucked out my Gallbladder in January of 2009. So I have to fully recover from that before we can move on to the RNY.
In the meantime, I have been instructed to exercise, exercise and more exercise. My eating is nicely undercontrol, mostly because since I developed the gallstones I have had no appitite. That's me for now.