Tuesday, April 9, 2013

WLS 18 month check in

Mea Culpa -
It has been ages since I posted anything so this will be the start of a collection of posts.  But first the overview.  Seeing as this was originally about my weight loss journey here is how I have progressed.  From my heaviest weight of 339 I am down to 234.  That's 105 pounds!  I feel great.  I have gone from where size 48 pants are comfortable to where size 36 pants fall off.  My eating sucks.  Dr. Amson said that after my surgery I could eat anything - just not a lot of it.  He was right.  I can eat just about anything as long as it is only in a small amount.  So I graze. A lot.

What I can eat -
Soups - especially ones with meat in them.
Meat - if it is rare
Veggies - cooked
Veggies - raw but only if massively chewed.
Eggs - best if they are poached and not overcooked
Beef Jerky

What I can't eat -
Ice Cream
Raw Veggies
Apple - raw
Most Salads
Chow Mein

What I shouldn't eat but sometimes have a bite
Bread - the only bread I will have is when we eat out at Pag's or Olive Garden.  And where I used to have 10 pieces now I have one or two.
Peanuts - devil temptation food

Things that have been great since my surgery - I have really got into doing exercise.  I especially like walking.  I regularly work out and try to get two or three 10k walks a week.  I am even at the point now where it is difficult to rest for a day.

I wholeheartedly recommend having this surgery but whoever gets it done has to know that they cannot return to their old life without gaining the (or at least some) weight back.  Weight loss surgery is only the tool - most of the changes have to happen in your head.