Saturday, August 24, 2013

An evening with Ty Cobb

Well today was a fun day.  Chris, Precious and I had a nice morning walk along the ocean.  The weird part was that the Map My Walk app only measured half the distance and all the time.  So where I think we walked about 8km we only walked 4.  Still it was a nice walk.

I came home and Marla and I watched the Blue Bombers lose to Hamilton TC.  Then we watched a really good game between Saskatchewan and Edmonton.  I can say it was a good game because the Riders won.

Paula invited us over to her place to help celebrate Susan J's birthday.  It was a nice gathering of people.  We didn't eat anything there because we were going over to John's Place to watch a one man show about Ty Cobb.

My eating was pretty good at John's.  I caved and had a little of their bread.  Each time we go there I have a smaller amount.  I tried their Southern Fried Steak but could only eat about a third of it.  It will reheat okay.

Tomorrow is a rest day.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

day by day

I had a rough weekend.  I felt like I had a kidney stone coming on.  That sharp pain in my back is very familiar.  So I decided this would be a good time to get rid of some of the lab requests I have stockpiled and go get my blood tested.  Yup, I am anemic - again.

Aside from the stabbing pain in my back every now and then Marla and I had a great time being artsy craftsy in the afternoon.  We went downtown to see the Fibrations show on the lawn of the St. Ann's Academy.  It was all really interesting.  Marla got to try out spinning - It is definately a learned skill.  I don't think she will become a spinner but she had fun.

It was also nice bumping into a bunch of people who we know.  Dallas from the gardening crew and Susan B among a whole bunch of other Camosun retirees were there.  Something I really liked was all the bright colours of the wool and the fabrics. 

Monday was a bit of a down day for me.  I did a few kilometre walk but for the most part I just hung out with Marla.  Any day hanging out with Marla is a good day.

I spent a lot of time doing my homework, I have a presentation for Tuesday to do.

Well my presentation went very well.  I was very comfortable and worked my stuff.

I walked home from the University 8.1 Kms  and on this very hot day it was a really nice walk.

In the evening Marla and I went down to Centennial Square to check out the food trucks and the start of the fringe.  It kind of sucked, so we went to Shari's Halibut House for fish and chips.  But instead of Chinese food we actually had fish and chips.  It was okay, but felt kind of manufactures.  I think I prefer Brady's.

We came home and ended up giving Precious a bath.  She is really good in the tub.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

putting one foot in front of the other

I was up early, about 6 and thought this is a good day for a walk.  My friend Christopher was busy this morning so we couldn't do our usual walk.  And Precious the Pooch has a sore foot, I think she has pulled a muscle in her foot, so I decide that today I would go solo.  I started my walk about 8am after my usual breakfast and headed off into the Victoria morning.  Best of all, I was walking with my new shoes.  I am back in Aasics - my favourite style of shoes and a little smaller now - I can wear size 11s.

My normal walk is to go from home to downtown Victoria and see the Inner Harbour.  It is about five kilometres away and it is a really pretty walk.  The walk was really nice, except I forgot my water bottle, and when I got down to the Inner Harbour the Dragon Boat races were underway.

I walked all around the Inner Harbour and continued through James Bay to the breakwater at Ogden Point.  It is quite nice walking out on the breakwater now with the railings up on it.  I didn't think I would like them but they are quite nice.  And it does open the walkway to people with physical challenges.

From there it was the usual trail that Chris and I take out to Beacon Hill park and what was once the world's tallest totem pole.  By the cricket pitch and up to the Christ Church Cathedral.  Finally I scooted over to Chinatown, through Fan Tan alley and then retracing my steps to home.

When all was said and done I walked 21.4 Kms or half a marathon.  I did it in just under four and a half hours and when you discount the twenty minutes when I watched the dragon boats, I think I am in good order to do the Goodlife half-marathon in October.

It was a pretty good walk and I felt great after it.  The rest of the day was wonderful.  I hung out with Marla and we watched two CFL games.  Both games were awesome, but best of all was that Saskatchewan won in the final plays of the game.

I had a good day.

Friday, August 16, 2013

I think all I do with my blog is catch up

So it has been three months (May some time) since my last blog.  Here I am and it has been quite a summer.  Looking back, shortly after the Burton Cummings concert in Bow, Wa, Marla and I caught the Golden Princess to Alaska from Seattle.  It was one of our best cruises we have ever been on and I promise I will write about it at another time.  It was an awesome trip.

I started with doing a week's run of Beauty and the Beast at the Royal on follow spot.  It was a very good show and it was just too bad that there was no advertising for it and the audiences were very small.  Then it was working at the College for a photoshoot and a video shoot.  It was nice working there for a while.  I even came back and worked for a while filling in as an AV Assistant.  

In July I was back in University - this time taking courses in Ceramics AE303A.  It was an Introduction to Pottery and I really enjoyed this course.  Opportunity knocked with another course.  Sylvia Hosie was going to teach her last beginner tap course.  I am finally small enough that I cannot hurt myself or others so I decided to take it.  It was a hoot.  Sylvia is a wonderful teacher and I had a great time.

Most of all I just enjoyed the summer as it raced past at lighting speed.  Marla and I took in some festivals (the Car Show, and the Buskers) but also we just enjoyed each other.  I puttered around the house.  Got used to my new MacBook Pro.  I walked - a lot.  Marla worried that I would wear out Precious going on these 10, 15 and 20 km walks from home to downtown.  

So in a nutshell - that was my summer of 2013.  So far it was a pretty good year.  Now if I can just keep remembering to write in my blog.