Thursday, September 30, 2010

My office is whereever I am.

so here it is Thursday and it was a weird day. I didn't get into my office until the morning was nearly over and then after that I was in and out and barely got a chance to land. Once I got home it was a quick supper (Mac Cheese and Peas Please). Then off to exercise. It was the fourth of our eight week sessions. Megan tried to push a bite more. She is a pretty good trainer.
The surprize of the day was that after yesterday's Dr. Gillian app't I complained that I hadn't got my skin dr. appointment. Low and behold, Louise called today with an appointment for next monday. Cool.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Monday morning new stuff

Started the day checking out the new first aid room which is about the size of a phone booth. Although nobody remembers phone booths any more anyways. Today I filled in for Anton for the day. Actually it was nice to actually take some time and shoot some photographs. Came home and made steak and baked potato for supper. It was pretty good.
I was happy to weigh myself this morning and according to the wii I am down to 307. At least I am going in the right direction. Not much to write but basically a happy camper. There is one thing that is ticking me off a little. I have this chest pain dead center of my chest and extending up through my throat. I feel like I am choking myself. I am sure it has something to do with my wieght but it sure is an annoyance.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

wonderful weekends

The weatherman said this weekend was going to suck. we could expect rain and wind of monster proportions. Saturday morning came and there was clear blue skies and temperatures that remind me of the summer we were supposed to have. It was nice when Chris and I did our usual Saturday walk. Precious enjoyed romping out and about the park as she usually does.
I came home and mowed the lawn on such a beautiful day. It was so nice and I was in such good spirits that I also mowed our neighbours boulevard. The little old east Indian lady who I always wave out gave me a Sunny Delight as a thanks. It was cute because I don't speak Pakistani and she doesn't speak English.
Then I went in and watched the Roughriders Play against Hamilton. The Riders one in the last second so it was a good game. I think the CFL should be in the East. In the afternoon Marla and I went to see The Tresspasser by Morris Pynach at the Belfry. It was a pretty good play.
Sunday night Dexter returned . I like Dexter even if he is a little creepy.
I had a great weekend. Eating was excellent.

Friday, September 24, 2010

an academic day

This was a pretty good day. It started off with me sort of sleeping in sort of, so Marla and I were late dashing off to her volunteer work. then i raced up to interuruban to participate in the Signature Learning Experience forum for the college. It was very interesting. then I slipped over to portable A for my TTW course. It was a circle of learning with some nice people - most from the college. It is a pretty slowly paced course giving time to everyone to speak and there was a lot of sharing. After that I returned to Lansdowne to present an award with Marla to Laura ??? who won the Blake and Marla Handley Education Award through the foundation. It felt really nice for us to give.
It wasn't a bad food day either. I skipped breakfast because I knew I would be having muffins at the SLE. then Corrine brought bagels and cream cheese for the TTW course and after the awards ceremony we had dainty hors' deurves. And for supper I made pork chops, mashed potatoes and corn.
Not much exercise but otherwise a good day.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

things are looking up

I am feeling much better today. I am back into the swing of things. My highlight of the day was exercising with Marla and the group. There was only five of us tonight but that was okay because Megan could concentrate on us a bit more. My favourite exercise was a jump up and down from an 12" step. 325 pounds banging on the floor was something else. Although now I sure am stiff I am not sure what tomorrow will be like but "oww" in advance.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Something is not right here

I had a really good day at work. I taught a good class and then spent the day catching up on paperwork. It was my weekly shot day. I am a bit worried about L in the office. She is having heart complications - funny, since I have known her longer she has become a pretty cool lady. M was off singing tonight so I had the place to myself. Good time to catch up on some house cleaning. Only problem was that when I was in the doctor's office I weighed myself and found that I have gone up another kilogram. Crap. so now I am back to nearly the same place where I started this journey. It is really depressing to me. So now I feel I am square one. I am just not a happy camper. Everything in my world is going good except for my weight. Phooey.

Why is growth stressful

Every now and then I try to be the responsible one. Like what happened at work. We were having an issue and it had to be dealt with. But doing something that hopefully will improve the situation for everyone involved sure makes me feel uncomfortable.
On the otherhand, I keep thinking about the possibilities of my wls surgery. It is, I think, an outside possibility. It is good that it is a possible but there still is a thought that it may be years away instead of months. I am looking forward to the time it is weeks or days away.
It will be nice to just to get this stuff behind me.
It is actually getting to me physically. I need to talk to my doctor about these recurring chest pains and the feeling that my throat is choking me.
This isn't a fun post today. I hope I feel better sooner than later, but I am tired of feeling and being big.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Monday Monday

Normally I like Mondays. Monday's are actually my favourite day of the week. It is like starting all over again and kind of a do-over. This Monday kind of sucked because of my seven staff three of them were sick and off work. So there was a lot of covering going on. And then there were other staffing issues that were on my mind all weekend. So I dealt with that as soon as possible and moved on to doing my actual work.
Tonight is a night where Marla and I can just have fun together. It is the start of the fall 2010 tv season so we tivo-ed and watched Mike and Molly ****, Hawaii 5-0 ***1/2, and Dancing With the Stars **1/2.
Supper was a total treat and departure from the diet. Actually I had much less than I would have had a year ago. Tonight in the spirit of folkfest I made pyrogies with great onions, sour cream, and real bacon bits. Yum.
tomorrow - Salad.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Checking in or back - basically its been a while

Okay, for some reason I thought I should get back to my blog. Since February which was my last entry, I have had a pretty good summer. The highlight for me was our summer trip to Oregon. It was a great car ride, filled with adventure, mishaps, casinos, and a numb bum from lots of driving. My attitudes towards food have changed over the past few months. I get physically sick when I go by places like McDonalds or KFC. And for the most part, little Marla eats more than big old me.
Still I am not getting any smaller.
I got my last test before my RNY from Dr. Amson in September. It was one of those times when I came in at 9am for my appointment at the VGH only to wait for 2.5 hours. Then Dr. A comes out and says I have a choice. I can wait a few more weeks and have the test done again or he could do the test without anesthetic, just a spray to numb the back of my throat. I chose the latter because there was no way I was waiting.
Dr. A says not to worry. It would be just a thin piece like spaghetti that he would insert down my throat to look at my stomach. Tell a foodie about spaghetti to go down the throat and the thought of thin vermicelli comes to mind. Angel hair pasta would be nice. Nope, this was thick linguine and worst of all it wasn't a sloppy wet noodle but a hard dry stick. It was groady and awful to go in, but once it turned and went down my throat, I got the most interesting view of my stomach, from the inside. Soon it was all over and I was ready to go home. As Dr. A pointed out it was a good way to do the check because I was not impaired.
My next step was to wait for my October appointment. But then I got a call from Dr. A's MOA who moved my appointment ahead one week.
So things are still moving forward, albeit very slowly. Still I am optimistic.