Okay so a little catching up here, yesterday Friday, Oct 22, Marla and I went to see the Nylons play with the Victoria Symphony Orchestra. We had a lot of trouble finding a parking spot but finally we ended up by Island Blue art supplies. This was cool because we could try Vietnamese Food at Saigon Nights on Fort Street. We shared some spring rolls and some rice vermicelli and pork. It was pretty good, very filling and not all that expensive especially because we share.
okay, so we already ate one of the spring rolls.

Really good pork and noodles.
The Nylons was a good show but it was like watching Beatlemania. With only one of the original Nylons, they guys I knew back in the 80's, it was like watching an incr

edible simulation. Something I like about standing ovations is you get a chance to stand up and stretch your legs.
On Saturday Morning Chris and went for our usual walk except we seem to be doing it faster. I swear if I want to cut my time below 45 min then I have to start running.
Precious really enjoys the romp, even though we didn't see many other dogs or walkers.

Marla and I then went out to have breakfast at Kitty's Hideaway. I had a corned beef on rye that nearly burnt my mouth off and a bowel of beef soup. Marla had French Toast and it was all pretty good.

After watching the Roughriders lose to Edmonton, Calvert is going to give me grief for that, Marla went to sing with the choir at the Salvation Army 150th Band anniversary. It was a good little concert. It was a pretty good day. That's Marla waaaay on the right.
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