I was up this morning at 5:30am to get ready to go down to the Goodlife Marathon 8K. I got down at about 6:30 which was enough time to stretch, check my stuff, and get ready for the 7:15am start. I even dressed well for the race - a long sleeve t-shirt, my racing shirt, shorts, and a pair of sweatpants. I was comfortable through the entire race. I was glad I didn't wear my raincoat. So I was already to start and I turned about to find Silken Lauman the Olympic rower standing beside me. then I saw from folks from Camosun. Finally I turned on my ipod and the playlist I made just for the race. It was 90 minutes long, my goal for race today.
The race started out good enough, I ran the first couple hundred of meters and then got into my walking pace. My ankles ankles and feet were very sore. Marla was right; I should have got the new shoes. After about two kms my feet got to feeling fine and all was good. It was a little cold between 4 and 5 km because the wind came up from the ocean. It was interesting to see all the WLS'ers on the race course. Good on 'em all.
I finished the race in under 88 minutes. faster than I had estimated. It was a very good walk, sometimes I even broke into a lumber. I can't image what it would be like to do this 150 pounds lighter. I would sure like to try it though.
The rest of the day was sleepy and sore. I came home, had a hot tub, and Marla and I went out for brunch. Then when we came home I had planned to mow the lawn but frankly I was so sleepy I had a nap for two hours. I don't usually nap or sleep during the day but this was a day of getting up far too early and doing much more exercise than I am used to. I am really glad that I practiced my walks by doing the 5k walks that we do two or three times per week.
Strange day for eating, Marla and I were in Walmart and looked at the Halloween treats. Strangly enough, I didn't want any. We bought a bag of Tootsie roll minis and I only tried a few of those, in the old days I would have eaten the whole bag. this is a good sign.
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