Sunday, June 17, 2012

It may be dull but it was a wonderful weekend

The stall has been broken. Okay so I only lost one pound in a week but it is still one pound down. I am not sure what I am going to do when the scale goes the other direction. It will be a sad time for me when I gain rather than lose.

I think it has been a combination of lots of exercise and lots of work this week that help. I did two photo shoots, one an artistic and commercial shot of an award and the other was a graduation awards breakfast.

At the end of the week I did a photo shoot at the Olympic View Golf Course. It was at 9am so I was up and out to the course really early. Only problem was that I forgot a piece of equipment and had to drive from Costco all the way back to the College and then out to the course again. It was a pretty fast set up and the photo shoot went very well.

That night I had a call to work on the out for Bryan Adams. It was really different because I wasn't doing the whole show I just did it for the work and picked a spot on the loader crew. It was quite cool because four of us ended up together - we had Brandon, Warren, Cam and me. It was like the A team of the most experienced guys on the crew. It was a pretty good night of moving, hauling and shifting stuff about. I would do it again.

It was also nice because it gave Marla and me the weekend together. Our saturday was a nice normal day. Chris and I did the Saturday morning walk with Precious (our last for three weeks) and then Marla and I spend Saturday afternoon doing good stuff about the house. We took Precious out to the vet but instead of Neil we got a fill in for him. she was more nervous about getting a shot than precious. We went to the farmer's market out at the Saanich Fair Grounds - boy it was cold. so we came home and had a nice night. We watched Sherlock Holmes 2.

sunday was a repeat of Saturday with a little sleeping in, Brunch at John's Place. and a couple really bad movies - Puss In Boots and Safe House.

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