Sunday, June 24, 2012

It has been a very busy week.  First with the Graduation and later with my visits to the hospital and the 24 hour blood pressure tests.  All day Thursday and Friday I got to carry around this pack that was about the size of an old Sony Walkman.  Every thirty minutes a powerful grip would grab my arm and squeeze it tightly.  But when all was said and done it all went okay.  the only challenge is that my readings were all disgustingly normal.  None of the high pressures that I was getting four and five weeks ago.

so we will see what the dr has to say.  On the other side of the scale, I signed up for another UVic course.  this time it is a 300 level writing course looking at narrative and archtypes in film.  So that will take care of my Wednesdays next fall.  It was nice to spend some quality time with Marla this weekend.  That was until we went shopping.

Precious and I had a great walk on Saturday morning and then after I got home Precious, Marla and I went out for a car ride.  first stop was the bank and then we took the opportunity to go shopping at the Bay.  We actually had a great time and then I realized I wanted some stuff in the truck - so there I was in a rush - got my stuff and shut the door to come back inside.  then I looked through the windows and saw the keys to the truck sitting on the car seat. 

So that meant getting precious out of the truck, no reason she should miss out on another walk, and hiking it the 2 kms to home and another 2 back.  This is so much easier to do now that I am thinner.  But with so much walking today I was kinda pooped.  But we had to have dinner first with Leslie.  We had a really nice supper with Leslie, Linda and the dogs.  Then we came home and called it a night.

Sunday was filled with home stuff, we got a lot of stuff down.  I am down another pound to 107.5 kilo.  So that puts me at 236.5 pounds.  Only seven pounds away from my 100 pound weight loss since my surgery.

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