So I went to my GP to get my allergy shot and check my blood pressure. It was actually really good so the pills must be working. However, my Hometics wrist pressure gauge - it sucks. So I returned it to London Drugs and went out to Costco. There I picked up and Omron BP762 for about $5 more and it appears to work much better. My numbers are still going high but not as high as it was.
I got a confirmation call from the Hospital again reminding my about the cardiologist meeting on Tuesday. My slow week next week is getting busier. I was planning on painting the house and will likely still do it. I am going to start prepping tomorrow. But now I have a couple of show calls to make it interesting.

I went to pick up the truck today after is $3,000. repair job. It was kind of nice because Precious and I walked the 2.5 km to the shop so we got our walk in. Combined with doing the lawn and a bunch of yard work I got my exercise for the day. Once I came home Marla and I went out for a lunch and an afternoon adventure.

We went out for lunch at Big Wheel Burger on Cook Street. It is pretty whole earth and actually it was pretty good. It is a walk up counter service bar in what used to be a laundromat. The architecture dictates the shape of the room which is kind of odd. Basically there is a small seating area, a small service widow, a crowded kitchen and dual condiment bars.

They are a hamburger place but also I saw Nathan's Hot Dogs on the menu. So I had a hot dog (without the bun) and Marla had a burger and fries. We shared (as much as we share) an orange creamsicle milkshake. I am only good for two or three slurps. So I dressed up my dog with onions, relish, and mustard and it was surprisingly good. I could only eat about half of it but that was fine. Next time we are there I am going to order the kid's portion. I keep forgetting that I can do that.
We were going to go down to the museum to see the new Dinosaur exhibit but when we drove by looking for a parking place. We were a bit disappointed because there were no spots but then we saw there were four big busses at the museum and got scared off. So we came home. Then I did some more house stuff but I think because I am on holiday I gave myself a reward and had a nap.
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