Mistake #1 - Day 2 - Still in the hospital post recovery - Up and at 'em, ready to walk and off I go. I make yet another lap of the post surgery ward - everyone is asleep or gone and it is only 2pm. I discover the day surgery ward - this is where they checked me in, then off by the surgery halls to the cardiac unit - don't wanna go in there - then down the halls towards the elevator. I meet a guy who is 400 pounds checking in to see why he is having breathing and heart problems. In the hallway they have these staircases for people to rehab by going up and down stairs, so I try them out. I am really good at going up and aside from the slight pain in my side I am pretty bad at coming down. Then it hits me, whoa every ounce of energy is gone. Okay if I am going to make it back to the ward it is going to be slow and steady. It is a good thing there are a lot of chairs along the hallway. When I get back to my bed the nurses are ticked at me because they couldn't find me. Then they found out I was on the stairs and they were really upset, so I was 'benched' and not allowed out of the area for the rest of the day.
Mistake #2 - Day 4 - Oh what a beautiful morning - Marla is asleep - I get tired of playing fetch with the dog in the backyard and it is just too much. It is just too nice
Mistake #3 - Day 3 - Better living through Chemistry - I am sure that it wasn't the long walk, or the trip to Costco, or going too long without eating but I was feeling crappy. So I had Tylenol 3's so I thought I should take them as directed for pain. The directions were to take one with yoghurt. But I am a dummy and remembered that it used to take three T3s before they would even kick in. So I dialed it back and popped two of the pills with some water. 20 minutes later I realized what a mistake that was. I felt really good. Outstandingly good. Lovingly good. I liked everybody. I was soooo relaxed and contented. And then I was hot, in a panic and realized I think I did something really stupid. I called a WLS friend and they explained how my new system isn't designed to take in as much caffeine that there is in Tylenol 3s. I really appreciate our network of help available.
So what am I learning through these mistakes. Well first of all I have to admit that there are so many mistakes available and I am allowed to make them. Oh my god I am not perfect. But honest, I am learning too. So until the next mistake...
Really enjoying your blog Blake