Thursday, October 27, 2011

I am invincible - my first post surgery check up

Its been a week and a day since my surgery so it was time to go see Dr. Amson for a check in. A quick call to the office showed that the doctor was running late. So we held off a bit and then trundled off to the office. I always like bumping into people I know when I am at the office. Today it was James. James is one of those guys I have known since my first days in WLS. I am really surprised that he has not had his surgery yet. He is among that nice group of people who truly deserve to be called upon.

So James and I had a nice chat - I was worried that I left Marla waiting while James and I caught up but she got into a very nice conversation with another patient so all was well. Then we were called in for the weigh in. I was 299 the day of the surgery and 291 today, so I am going down about a pound a day.

We waiting in an examining room for a while then the good doctor stuck his head in. He remembered Marla this time and quickly went to checking out my surgical incisions. They are all healing nicely. Then we reviewed how I was eating which is doing good. I am ready to move on to solid foods like chicken as long as the pieces are small and I chew a lot. We talked about how my surgery effects my diabetes and how it is time for me to start decreasing my insulin. This matches up with some advice Ron gave me. Thanks Ron.

Then I asked him about carbs in my diet. I am not ready to go back to my regime of peanut butter sandwiches and a half a loaf of bread for toast in the morning, but there has been so much discussion of Carbs vs No Carbs in the last while. He suggested if I want to try something - okay but only a very very small amount. I really am not all that concerned; except for it being okay to have a bit of oatmeal in the morning now and then.

My last question was the one that Marla was the most interested in Dr. Amson's response. I tell him that lately I am feeling invincible. I feel great and am ready to move on with some harder exercise. Marla has been wanting me to slow down all week - which is very understandable since I really did just have major surgery - and she really really wanted Dr. A to confirm her opinion. Unfortunately for Marla he said - "Yeah, your fine. Go ahead." I am not silly enough to go trying to lift a big household water bottle but I can see me doing it in a couple of days. Marla was not amused.

So he really doesn't need to see me for a couple of months but I do need to come back in a few weeks to process some papers for my medical coverage. On the way out we check with Ailsa to book the new appointment and much to my disappointment she is on Marla's side which is basically "no heavy lifting you big goof!" So for a while I will stick to feminine advice. Anybody want to come over and lift up a big water bottle for me?

1 comment:

  1. You did have major surgery Blake. Walk but don't lift. Not sure about hernia potential. I know it was done lap, but there were cuts made in the fascia, a whole new pouch created that is quite swollen and needs rest, as well as the whole abdominal cavity contents jumbled up needing R&R. More feminine advice :D
