So here I am six weeks after my surgery, down 25 pounds, and feeling pretty good. So now it is a question of choices. I am now looking at this small plate that Marla and I are sharing thing "Wow, this isn't very much." Really it was more than enough. I was able to have some of the chicken - it was better with just a little sauce on it as opposed to smothered in sugary good the way I liked it before - and I enjoyed a few mushrooms. Rice, bad idea. But this time I could anticipate full and stopped before I got into trouble.
So what's the difference in six weeks? Here is a pair of pics a month a part. Not much difference for now but I can sure feel better.

Not a lot of difference yet, but at six weeks I am at the start of my journey not the end.
For me it is now learning that the amount I eat is smaller and its noticeable. I am getting smaller - barely noticeable. I keep reminding myself that I am at a point my choices are important. When I started eating smaller I used to get my servings on a salad plate instead of a dinner plate, now I have down graded that to a saucer. I know I am just a newbie at this, and who knows what changes will happen, but for now I am happy and grateful that things are going the way they are.
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