Friday, April 13, 2012

ouch, fitness for the unfit

I haven't been blogging for a bit just because I have been way to busy.  And also I didn't have much to say.  Now that I am six months out from my surgery things have gotten kind of routine.  Eating is no longer an adventure of can I or should I eat this.  I know what is good and what won't work.  I do get led astray every now and then by my silly head that says "Go ahead, try some licorice.  Its not chocolate so it won't be bad for you."  It is awesomely bad for you if you like the good natural licorice.  three little pieces work out to 150 calories and who can just stop at three little pieces.  It is like trying to limit yourself to a 1/3 cup of nuts.  The nuts are good but at 300 calories per 1/3 cup it is a bit much.

On the otherhand I have the continuing issue with clothing.  Everything I have is too big.  Wal-Mart has actually become a good place to go because I can pick up a shirt for $7 or Jeans for $12.  Some clothing items that I am missing is that all my sweatpants are either too big, read that baggy, or too worn out.  Why is it when you don't feel good about your size you won't let you buy yourself good clothes?  Lately I must be feeling really good about myself since I bought me some tight fitting compression pants for walking and jogging.  I look really silly in them but they feel better than baggy sweats.

I have been trying to jog lately.  I don't really jog, I more like 'lumber'.  But still I move quicker than I used to.  I have been getting ready for the Times-Colonist 10K road race at the end of the month.  It is one of the Victoria events that I really look forward to being in.  So I ran the route, all ten 10k, just me and Precious the dog.  She kind of pulled me through the course.  But two hours later we finished and it felt great.  Then two days later I did it again.  And then on Easter Monday I did it once more.  I was exhausted but it still felt wonderful to get all this walking in.  Then on the Tuesday I was too sore to move.  It didn't help because that night I had to work on a Johnny Reid concert.  He wasn't too bad but I ended up working until 2:30am and then had to be at the college to shoot another video at 7:30am.  I was bushed.

There was a news report that if you sleep less than seven hours per night you will gain weight.  I sleep about 5 and a half or six.  So my next plan is to get more sleep.  We shall see how that works out.  That's it for now, the weekend is racing down on us and I am ready for a weekend without extra work.

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