Tuesday, September 3, 2013


I was so sore.  I woke up feeling really stiff, sore and generally yeechy.  Not only that, I was waking up at 6am on a day when I could be sleeping in.  But first lets go back to the out of Stomp.  It was a really good out.  The show started at 7:30pm and we were ready to take down the show at 9:30pm.  Our guys were expecting a three hour out, instead we had them out the door with the truck doors closed by 11:30.  We give good out.

Colin and I were doing a whole bunch of cleaning up.  There was a ton of sand and dust left from the show.  But we did our best and left the theatre cleaner than when we found it.  So I wasn't that hard worked from the night before.  And I happily went to bed before 1am.  So what I am doing up at six.  Well I am feeling really bad.

On the sideboard by my bed is my bookcase, alarm clock, a glass of water and two tylenol t-3s.  They are a pretty heavy duty pill that I have used in the past to help recover from surgery, cramps, and other bad stuff.  So I took them.  Within a few minutes I was rolled up in a ball on the floor.  I totally hurt.  I had not experienced pain like this since my surgery.

I was trying to decide if I should let it pass or go to emergency.  Emergency would mean waiting a couple of hours to see what is going on and I could do that or wait and see.  I elected to wait and see.  I felt terrible for two hours and it passed.  I guess the issue really lies with taking the NSAID.  The T-3 may have been too much.  So I think I will stay away from them.

As the day progressed I got better and was happy to spend quality time with Marla.  We watched the Labour Day Classic game between Saskatchewan and Winnipeg (why isn't it Manitoba?).  The Roughies won and the day is good again.

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