Sunday, December 4, 2011

Plateaus, forums, and closet cleaning

Week Seven - I did my regular Sunday weigh-in and I am only down a pound. Crap. I know that plateaus are supposed to happen but that didn't stop me from wanting it to go on and on. I got used to my losing three to four pounds per week. But here I am only dropping one. One is good and losing one is better than gaining.
I think the biggest issue here is considering that I have undergone a major change in my physical structure; I should have an expectation for my body to take the occasional time to rebuild and adjust to my new stomach, eating plan, and exercise schedule. Thanks to some advice and counsel on Facebook and WLS Private Group I feel a bit better.
I was out having lunch with Marla yesterday, a trip downtown to enjoy the Tuba Christmas concert and lunch at one of our favourite restaurants. I find I still cannot eat steak very well but I enjoyed watching Marla have hers. I had a really good peanut chicken where I could only eat a few bits and bites of chicken and that was enough.
Yesterday was also our WLS Saturday Forum group. There were not many of us there; in fact I was a little disheartened that more people don't go to the forums. I am not sure why people do not attend the forums. It is like they go through the steps to get their surgery then stop when the forum could do them the most good. I really wonder why people dissappear after surgery. I think it is because at the heart of this disease is the desire to be independent. So as soon as they are done - poof - they are gone. I hope it works for them. For me I need the experience of people who have been there before.
Tonight Marla and I emptied my closet out off all the bad, oversize, and old clothes. We cleared out bunches of t-shirts and sweaters that I have collected over the years. Somebody at Value Village is going to get a whole bunch of rock 'n' roll roadie t-shirts real soon.

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